Six Steps for Scope Changes on Small Projects
Since small projects are much easier to define and completed quickly, they typically do not have many scope change requests. If scope changes occur, they are typically also small in nature. Even though the changes are small they still need to be documented and managed.
The following simple process should be used able to be performed quickly.
Identify scope change request
Scope changes can be surfaced by anyone on the project team. They should be sent in writing to the project manager by paper, email, etc. No formal form is needed.
Enter change in Scope Change Log
Even small projects need to track changes.
Determine the impact of the request
The project manager determines the impact of the scope change to the project in terms of cost, effort and duration. If there are multiple viable options, the project manager determines their impact as well.
Determine the value of the change
The person that requests the change should also validate the benefits of the change. For a small project this may not be a qualitative value, but might be expressed in subjective terms.
Take the information to the appropriate approver
The appropriate analysis, impact and alternatives are taken to the project sponsor (or other designated person) for resolution. If the sponsor does not approve the request and the corresponding impact, the scope request is not pursued.
Update Scope Change Log
Update the Scope Change Log with the sponsor decision – accept or decline.