Benefits of Lake Fountains

You may have driven by man-made lakes and noticed that many have nice little fountains in them. These fountains aren’t just installed to make the lake look great, but they have other benefits. If you have a lake or pond, whether it is manmade or natural, consider the following benefits of installing a lake fountain pump.

Visually Appealing

Of course, lake fountains are visually appealing. In your lake or pond, you can choose from a variety of fountains. For example, you can have towering fountains with strong, defined shapes, or you can have a light, regular spray that surrounds the pump. You may also install LED lights so you can see the fountain at night.

Insect Control

Mosquitos and other insects are attracted to standing water. They need this type of water to lay their eggs. Because a fountain constantly moves the water around, their eggs do not live. Therefore, fountains disrupt their breeding habits.

Improved Water Quality

Water without aeration results in toxicity. The bottom of the lake has sediments and plant life that will rot without adequate oxygen in the water. Aeration is the introduction of oxygen into a body of water. As the oxygen dissolves, your fish and plants get what they need to survive. In addition, proper aeration prevents the buildup of organic matter, such as algae. This process also diminishes odors within your lake because oxygen causes the water at the bottom to move to the top, releasing hydrogen sulfide gas.

Noise Reduction

Fountains also drown out other types of noise. Road, construction and other types of noise are irritating, but your lake pump produces a relaxing water sound as the water splashes on the surface of the lake.

If you have a lake or pond and want to ensure a healthy environment that smells, sounds and looks great, install a lake fountain.