AutoCAD Common Shortcuts for Drawing Objects

AutoCAD Shortcut for Drawing Objects

AutoCAD Common Shortcuts for Drawing Objects

A ARC Draw an arc with 3 points
B BLOCK Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block
BO BOUNDARY Draw a boundary
C CIRCLE Draw a circle
DO DONUT Draw a solid donut shape
DT TEXT Single line text
DIV DIVIDE Inserts point node a set division
EL ELLIPSE Draw an ellipse
F FILLET Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
G GROUP Opens object grouping dialogue
H HATCH Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
L LINE Draw a line
LE QLEADER Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
LEAD LEADER Leader line with annotation
ML MLINE Draw multilines
O OFFSET Offset an object by distance
PL PLINE Draw a polyline – a complex line
PO POINT Point marker or node – DDPTYPE to change pointstyle
POL POLYGON Draw a regular polygon 3 to 1024 sides
RAY RAY Construction line in one direction
REC RECTANG Draw a rectangle
REG REGION Region – for shading for example
REVCLOUD REVCLOUD Revision cloud – note can select a polyline
SPL SPLINE Spline or smooth curve along points
T MTEXT Multi-line text
WIPEOUT WIPEOUT Masks part of drawing for clarity
XL XLINE Construction line of infinite length
TIPS1. Use PO to create node point – if you do not see anything try changing the node properties DDPTYPE.2. Alternatively set PDMODE to 3 to display an X at id point set PDMODE to 0 to clear.