Things to Know About Industrial Storage

Storage capabilities have become increasingly necessary in today’s business world, and companies have different storage facility requirements. Whether you choose to rent industrial storage space Denver CO or you are developing your own storage space, you should know a few things about industrial storage.


Stored materials should be handled efficiently and safely. Each type of material, such as raw materials or hazardous chemicals, will have different handling and storage requirements. Therefore, general safety principles, such as equipment use and work practices, should be developed. Each employee should also be trained in handling the different types of products being stored. They should also understand the hazards and risks associated with each product and be provided with all the tools they need to prevent injuries and product damage.


Manufacturing facilities produce goods. They typically have large manufacturing and storage facilities and small office spaces. They include heavy industry, which has large equipment and produces massive quantities, and light industry, which is more flexible and typically assembles products with outsourced parts.

Flex space is customized to a building’s tenants, but it can be easily transitioned to another tenant or business type. Therefore, the space is designed to maximize its utility and minimize the management requirements. Space can typically be added or removed easily. These spaces may include showrooms, R&D facilities and data centers.

Warehouses store and handle goods efficiently. They include both warehouses and distribution centers, such as those used by major online retailers. The location of distribution centers is of utmost importance, and they are typically located on major highways or interstates. Warehouses may be general or specialized, such as cold storage for food products. They may also require safety equipment if they are storing hazardous or environmentally sensitive materials.

Your storage space should be customized to your business through its size, structure, equipment, furniture and processes. Consider these factors as you set up or rent your industrial storage.