How To Plan an Outdoor Event

Concerts, weddings, festivals, reunions, parties and all kinds of other events can be held outside. Hosting events outside allows for plenty of space, less decorations needed and usually cheaper prices for renting the space. Here are some things that hosts need to keep in mind while planning an outdoor event.


Many outdoor spaces do not have bathrooms available. If this is the case at your venue, you should rent some event restroom trailers. You guests will be much more comfortable and will most likely stick around longer if they have a place to relieve themselves.


Not all guests are able to stand for long periods of time or sit on the ground. No matter what type of event you are planning, there should be some seating available for when your guests need to rest their feet. Depending on the event, you may even need a handicap seating section to accommodate the needs of all attendees.

Temperature Control

Whether it will be hot or cold out, you will probably have to take precautions to make the temperature comfortable for guests. These could include providing shade and setting up fans on hot days or having space heaters for cold days. You can even provide hand held fans or blankets for guests as needed.

Food and Drinks

Depending on the length of your event and the weather, you may need to provide food and drinks for guests. It’s especially important to provide water for guests if it will be hot outside so your guests can avoid dehydration.

Trash Receptacles

You will need to have trash receptacles available for guests to dispose of waste, especially if you are serving food. The last thing you want is for the ground to be littered with trash or for your guests to have to carry their trash around the whole time.

When planning your next outdoor event, make sure to include bathrooms, seating, temperature control, food and drinks and trash receptacles. These things will make your guests more comfortable so they can have more fun.