3 Ways To Lower Energy Costs

Lowering energy consumption is good for the environment and the pocketbook. There are many simple ways to cut back on costs without drastically altering daily routines or investing thousands of dollars. By reducing drafts, controlling the amount of light in the house and cooking outside in warm weather, energy usage can be decreased.

1. Control Lighting

It is no secret that electric lights require energy to work. Use energy-efficient bulbs and keep the lights off or dim whenever possible. Install solar screens Rush NY to reduce the amount of natural light that floods into a room in the summer to keep rooms cooler without overworking the air conditioning unit. Plant small trees or tall plants near windows to provide natural shade to cool the house.

2. Reduce Drafts

Leaks around doors and windows can cause a big loss in heated or cooled air. Inspecting windows and doors regularly for drafts is important, especially in rooms that are not often used. Seal leaks with caulk whenever necessary and cover windows with plastic and heavy curtains in the winter to prevent warm air from escaping the house.

3. Cook Outside in Warm Weather

While there is nothing like the taste and smell of hot comfort food in the winter, the appeal dries up in the summer. Heating up the house by cooking and baking inside during the warm months can make the indoors unpleasant and put a strain on the air conditioning unit. There are hundreds of great recipes for cooking all sorts of meals on the grill, so trying to cook outside when it is hot will keep the house cool and can introduce some new family favorites to the menu.

Finding ways to save energy can be personally beneficial and may inspire friends, family members and neighbors to follow suit. Experiment with different methods to find out what works best and do not be afraid to share ideas.