3 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool in Texas

It is no secret that the summers in Texas can get to be pretty hot and humid. With the average temperature in the summer months being over 90 degrees with humidity, you could be looking for solutions for keeping your home as cool as possible. The following are some of the top ways to do so.

1. Make sure your cooling system is working properly

You probably rely heavily on your air conditioning system during these hot summer months. If it is not working properly you may be paying a lot of extra money in use or feeling the effects of a warmer than desired home. It is worth searching online for chiller repair Austin TX if you live in the area to get your system checked and fixed. You can search for other areas around the state as well as needed.

2. Use some “coolness” hacks

There are a number of helpful hacks for keeping your home cool while still using your cooling system. One of the easiest things to do is to keep your blinds closed, especially during the hottest times of the day. Heat from the outside can come in through the windows, but closing your blinds helps prevent some of that heat from doing so.

If you are also running fans around your home, put a bowl of ice or ice packs in front of them. This hack will cool down the air that is blowing from the fan, which means cooler air will circulate around your home, making it cooler.

3. Simplify your cooking

When you cook a lot indoors, it can heat up your home more than desired. On especially hot days or during hot times in the summer, consider reducing the amount of time you spend over the stove or oven. Instead, opt for meals that don’t need to be cooked or can be prepared outdoors on a grill.