2 Ways To Reduce Energy Consumption in an Industrial Building

Now more than ever, people are worried about the impact of their carbon footprint and the damage that global warming is doing to the earth. There are a number of concerns with the current use of natural resources, and many are looking for ways to reduce consumption and preserve what’s left of the earth’s bounty. Commercial ventures have an obligation to pay more attention to how their operations are eating away at energy supplies, and these tips are just a few of the ways a company can reduce its energy costs.

1. Reduce the Amount of Artificial Lighting

Whenever important work is going on, there is bound to be a need for adequate lighting. Rather than relying on fluorescent lighting fixtures, include extra skylights in the design of the building. Including them on both the northern and southern sides of the building allows natural light to flood into the building. By using skylights or windows that open, you can reduce the pressure on the HVAC during the summertime as you open the window to let the hot air out.

2. Reduce the Heating and Cooling Consumption

In addition to keeping up with HVAC maintenance and having your industrial air filters Richmond VA company deliver new filters every few weeks, you can install a programmable thermostat to help regulate the use of your HVAC system. It is hard to please everyone in the building, but having a programmable thermostat allows you to set a temperature that coincides with the timing needs of your operations. You can also install window films to reduce the glare and block out some of the UV rays that come in and heat up the building.

Primary energy costs for commercial buildings are the electricity to power lights and equipment, and the costs to heat or cool a space. These two suggestions give you solid action steps for reducing how much energy your company uses each day.